A downloadable One Page Adventure

Enter the laboratory of the temproally displaced supergenius TIBERIUS WARPCORE!

Having travelled back in time to escape the restrictions of morality and laws, Tiberius Warpcore has continued his bio-science experiements in peace... until your plucky band of adventurers finds the entrance in some forgotten cleft in a hillside. Inside are a smattering of advanced technological goodies for adventurers to lay their grubby hands on, and a host of cloned monster-things to make them pay dearly for tresspassing.

A one page adventure for The Black Hack, The Techno-Zoo of Tiberius Warpcore brings a dollop of sci-fi to your Black Hack 2nd edition campaign, inspired by classic adventures for the original fantasy game. Drop into your game world, or simply use as a one-shot adventure with a futuristic twist. Everything you need is on the page, including monster stats, random encounters, and a table of future loot, so just grab some dice & friends and a get stuck in!

Cartography by Skullfungus, used with permission :)

This one page adventure is free to download. If you like the adventures and supplements I make, please follow me on itch for more free content for OSR games, and check out my blue sky account for sneak peeks, illustrations, and additional content.


The Techno-zoo of Tiberius Warpcore.png 2.2 MB

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