A downloadable One Page Mission


Hooray! You've accomplished your objective, but now alarms are blaring, the ground is shaking, something is attacking the tower you've just climbed, and you need to get off this rock right now! And the worst part is: you've had to leave your MECHA behind! The clock is ticking, and you'll have to act fast to survive.

Escape From the Planet of Giant Stompy Robots and Hungry Alien Bastards is a fast-paced one-shot adventure for Absolute Tabletop's The Mecha Hack. Starting players at the beginning of a cinematic escape sequence, they'll need to be resourceful to escape the planet through a gauntlet of enemy forces, and rampaging giant monsters. Hijack an enemy MECHA, pose as the enemy, activate the self-destruct sequence, turn foe against foe, and do it all against a real-time clock. Perfect for those sessions where you're strapped for time and want to cut straight to the action.

Note: the Experimental Tech supplement mentioned in this adventure will be uploaded at a later date, and is not required to play.

This adventure is free to download. If you like the stuff I make, please follow me on itch for more free content for The Mecha Hack and other OSR games, and check out my blue sky account for sneak peeks, illustrations, and yet more stuff!

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorGoblins Don't Wear Shirts
Tagsmecha, mecha-hack, mission, One-page, One-shot, OSR, the


Escape from the planet 1.1.png 1.6 MB


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Is there anywhere to peek at some Experimental Tech stuff? It sounds fascinating!