A downloadable One Page Adventure

The adventuring life's hard. There's mud, blood, and scorch marks on everything you own, a spike went through your leg last week, and you nearly broke your back carrying thousands of copper out of that last dungeon. I get it, you could do with a vacation.

And boy do I have the destination for you!

Tarley's Bathhouse is a mountainside spa resort for nobles and rich adventurers alike, complete with massage parlour, private baths (with scented water), you can even get a nice new haircut. All with room service, it all sounds too good to be true... right? Well, Tarley's never had a complaint in the past, especially from his most wealthy clients...

Tarley's Bathhouse is a One-page adventure for the fantasy RPG of your choice, it's system agnostic so just grab whatever rulebook you prefer and pamper your players. If they survive the ordeal, they may thank you.

Cartography by Skullfungus, used and edited with permission :0

This content is free to download. If you like the adventures I make, please follow me on itch for more free content for roleplaying games, and check out my blue sky account for sneak peeks, illustrations, and additional content.


Tarley's Bathhouse.png 4 MB


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What level is recommended for this location?


The adventure was written assuming low level PCs, though it may be a stuggle for fresh adventurers unless they act clever and avoid direct fights. No stats are given so you can really tweak it to fit your campaign and system.